From: Colm McGrath <>
Date: 08/09/2015 16:15:50 UTC
Subject: Conference on Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duties

Dear Colleagues, 

(With apologies for any cross-posting)

As I am told there are a dwindling number of places available, I thought I would remind list members of a one-day event the Journal of Professional Negligence is holding in London on the 25th September.  

As you can see, from the overview below, it is a very ODG-heavy list of speakers and the day will also be chaired by Prof Paula Giliker who is a member of the Journal's Advisory Board. 

Revised versions of the papers from the event will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Journal, guest edited by Prof Giliker. A copy of that issue  (in due course) is included in the price of admission.  

For those who wear two hats, the day has been accredited with 4 CPD hours from the BSB and we have a number of practitioners attending as well as Elizabeth-Anne Gumbel QC amongst the speakers. 

The registration page can be found here:

Please feel free to contact me if any further information would be helpful. 

Best wishes, 


Journal of Professional Negligence Seminar 2015

'Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duties'

Sessions Overview

  • Session 1: “Developments in vicarious liability: a practitioner’s perspective” –Elizabeth-Anne Gumbel QC, Barrister, 1 Crown Office Row
  • Session 2: “The validity of the distinction between primary and secondary liability post CCWS and Woodland” – Claire McIvor, Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham Law School
  • Session 3: “Vicarious liability for independent contractors?” – Jonathan Morgan, University Lecturer in Tort Law; Fellow, Tutor, and Director of Studies in Law, Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge
  • Session 4: “Vicarious liability and teachers: Can you outsource liability for lessons?” – Paula Giliker (Chair), Professor in Comparative Law, University of Bristol Law School
  • Session 5: “Vicarious Liability for Companies: the Final Frontier of Vicarious Liability?” – Phillip Morgan, Lecturer, University of York Law School
  • Concluding remarks: Paula Giliker

Seminar Details:

  • Date: Friday 25th September, 2015
  • Time: 10am – 4pm
  • Venue: Bloomsbury Publishing, 50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP
  • Cost: £50 (+£3.50 booking fee)
  • Lunch: Delicious deli-style lunch and coffee breaks included in the price
  • Also included in the price: The special issue of the Journal in which the final papers will be published.
  • Benefit from 4 CPD hours (Awarded by the Bar Standards Board)